Rules Articles (Archive)
These are links to articles that I wrote and were published either in "The Kwasind" by The Royal Canadian Yacht Club under the banner "Know Your Rules". The were written prior to January 2021 so used an older version of the Racing Rules of Sailing (2017-2020 or 2013-2016). They have not been checked or updated to reflect the current rules. I have been publishing in The Kwasind since 1997. This listing will help you find articles on the RCYC website
Link to Article
Rules Covered
Proper Course - over used term
December 2020 - Kwasind
Definitions: Mark-Room, Proper Course
Rules: 17, 18.1, 18.2, 18.4, 24.2
Further down the line at the start
November 2020 - Kwasind
Definitions: Leeward and Windward, Proper Course, Tack, Starboard or Port
Rules: 13, 16.1, 17
Back to the usual start
September 2020 - Kwasind
Definitions: Proper Course
Rules: 17, Intro to Section C