Andrew's Bookmarks

This page shows links to rules and judging resources.  While I attempt to keep them up to date, I would appreciate any corrections.  

All links are to the original source except for URLs which have a "[" or "]" in the path which it turns out many of the World Sailing sites do. This format is incompatible with Google Sites.  For those sites which are marked like this I have downloaded the files and made them available.  The original URL is then listed below the link so that users can cut and paste the URL and check the original site.  

World Sailing Documents

many of the docuements below and others can be found at the

Race Officials Resource Centre

Authoritative Interpretations:  

The Case Book for 2021-2024 (January 2023)

Rule 42 Interpretations

The Call Book for Match Racing 2025-2028

2021-2024 Call Book for Team Racing

2021-2024 Call Book for Radio Sailing

Other Interpretations:

Racing Rules Site including Rapid Response Calls

Q&A Booklet (up to 2023.007)

Individual Q&As

Sail Canada Appeals Book

US Sailing Appeals Book

Other Rules:

Equipment Rules of Sailing 2021-2024

Windsurfing Competition Rules 2021-2024

Addendum Q- March 2021

Appendix FS - Kite Slalom Rules

Appendix TS - Traffic Separation Scheme - Test Rules

Sail Canada Appendix U - Direct Judging

National Authority Prescriptions:

Sail Canada Prescriptions

US Sailing Prescriptions

Diagram Programs:

Tactical Sailing Situations (Windows only)

Boats (multiple OS, open source)

sailreplay (Mac only)

Rules Discussion Forums:

Education on the rules:

Sail Canada Partnership with North U

An Overview of the Significant Rule Changes in the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 by Dave Perry

2025-2028 Rules:

Official copy of the rules from World Sailing

Study version  from World Sailing

PDF side by side comparison

Part 5 of the RRS has been completely reorganized.  WS published a file helping to find the new rules based on the old rule number.  I extended it by including the text from the old and new rule in a mapped file.

Part 5 Destinations Guidance from WS

My own Part 5 Mapping

Matchrace Callbook comparison

Matchrace Callbook Side by Side

2025-2028 Rules - Resources from US Sailing:

All of their resources

Dave Perry's Overview of Changes (from his excellent book Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing through 2028 available from the US Sailing store

Changes that affect Judging

Changes that affect Race Admin

Standard NOR / SIs:

World Sailing Standard Match Racing SI's (Jan 2022)

World Sailing Standard Match Racing NoR (Jan 2022)

Appendix LG, Sailing Instructions Guide (Word, no table)  (Word doc)  (PDF)

Appendix KG, Notice of Race Guide (Word doc)  (.odt)  (PDF)


Hearing Request Form (World Sailing)

Hearing Request Form (Sail Canada)

Hearing Request Form (US Sailing)

Hearing Decision Form

Hearing Checklist

Chairman's Checklist


World Sailing Misconduct Guidance 2021

Preferred Standard Wording (July 2023)

Jury Policies - May 2023

International Judges Manual (January 2025)

for class specific Rule 42 Judging Guides see the rule 42 page


Team Racing Umpire Manual

International Umpires & Match Racing Manual 

Fleet Racing Umpire Manual

Medal Race using Addendum Q - Advice to Umpires (Jun 2017)

Match Racing:

Match Racing Playbook by Dave Perry

Dave Perry Videos (Match Racing 101 and Match Racing Master Class)